The Boy with a Camera for a Face is a satirical fairy tale about a boy born with a camera instead of a head. We follow him from his birth through to adulthood, and experience his inability to live a normal life, as every moment of his existence is transformed by the fact that he is recording it. Told through pictures, the story is accompanied by a witty verse narration read by Steven Berkoff. Magical, humorous, romantic and ultimately heartbreaking, The Boy with a Camera for a Face is an epic story told in fifteen minutes about the way we live today.
Regie: Spencer Brown
Land: England
Länge: 14:39
Sprache: Englisch
- Genre:Fantasy
- Kurzinfo:The Boy with a Camera for a Face is a satirical fairy tale about a boy born with a camera instead of a head.
23. April 2015, 19:00
Donnerstag – Block 7
La.Meko 2015